Related common sense about baguette bags
Non-professionals may have no common sense of baguette bags. This strange name will never let laymen or people who have not paid careful attention to the bags they come into contact with daily to say what it does. The baguette bag is a harmless and environmentally friendly bag for baguette bread. The baguette is the kind of long bread that looks like a stick. Nowadays, it is a very common bread shape in bakeries and is popular among students. favorite.
Because it is in direct contact with bread, the specifications and materials of baguette bags have a very high standard. Ordinary bags may not have too many requirements because they are not in direct contact with food, but baguette bags for baguettes are quite demanding. The rigorous, very common bag material is kraft paper, and ordinary plastic is rarely used. Because plastic materials generally have polyethylene materials, its softening point is said to be very low melting point, the lowest can reach 35 °. After the plastic is softened, it volatilizes harmful substances to the human body. These substances are mixed on the bread and are harmful to the human body. The damage is very big. Therefore, it is necessary for the baguette bag to use cowhide as the material of the bag.
In addition to the material, the baguette bag also has its own unique standards for the size and specifications. Nowadays, with the continuous advancement of science and technology, the material of baguette bags is also undergoing continuous improvement, and the concept of advocating green and environmental protection has increasingly become the theme of development.