Cheap Silver Non Woven Bag:Online bag customising
At, we make it really easy to get involved with online bag customising. In our bag catalogue you’ll find all types of typical tote bags, ruck-sacks, drawstring styles all ready to be personalised with your design, company logo or slogan.
Around 95% of all of our personalised bags are printed with traditional screen-printing but that’s not the only method we offer! This example of a tote bag printed with DTG digital printing gives you a clear idea of what DTG printing can offer:
Printing photos
All types of pictures and designs
No colour limit!
The combination of the advanced Kornit technology and an unprecedented chromatic range allows users to produce excellent quality prints in bright colours and high speed.
The combination of the advanced Kornit technology and an unprecedented chromatic range allows users to produce excellent quality prints in bright colours and high speed.
Digital printing is by far the best choice for this modernist style, full of colour:
Online bag customising
Take a closer look at the minute details and the watercolour effect in these personalised tote bags:
Customised bags
Digital printing
DTG printing is slightly more expensive than other personalisation methods such as traditional screen-printing or digital transfer but we highly recommend it’s use especially in the following cases:
For designers who wish to produce customised bags with complex illustrations;
For printing photos on bags;
For band photos or logos with shading and different tones – something we find very common amongst rock and heavy metal bands;
And for all clients who wish to create high quality personalised bags which are resistent, long-lasting and durable!
This customer was very happy with the result of these cotton bags and they’ve even come back for more since then as do many of our customers!