What do you need to do with the non-woven handbags?
First of all, we need to understand clearly what are the popular styles of some non-woven bags. According to Xiao Bian's observation, the most popular bag styles on the market today are the handbag styles. The non-woven bag also has the largest number of non-woven handbags. With the increasingly fierce competition in the market, non-woven handbags will also be divided into small and small styles. For example, if there is a bottom and a side bag, it is also called a non-woven three-dimensional bag. Expanding the bag is a cube. There is no way to do anything. There is no fixed name for this kind of time, let's call it a non-woven handbag.
Secondly, it is divided from the process of the non-woven fabric. According to the needs of users of non-woven bags, they are all biased towards sewing bags. However, with the continuous development of the non-woven bag market, a new type of processing bag has been developed, called a wirelessly stitched non-woven bag. Also known as voltage bags or hot press bags. The advantages of both have their own advantages. The sewn non-woven bag is more practical from the user's point of view. The voltage non-woven bag has more processing advantages for the manufacturer. Relatively speaking, the seams should be firmer, but the production cost is too high, and it is all done by the manual line, which is not efficient. The voltage is a non-woven bag that is molded once, which is far superior to the non-woven bag in the production line and production cost. And now the mainstream bags in the market are also mostly non-woven voltage bags.
Moreover, the non-woven voltage bags have an advantage in that the two bags have the desired effect and the high-end atmosphere. Of course, the grade of a bag, the designer will also occupy a large part of the decision. If a bag is not well designed, it is difficult to get a grade. Xiongwei Textile has professional designers, so if you want to make a high-grade non-woven handbag, you don't have to worry about designing a non-woven bag.
Non-woven bags are new products to replace white garbage. With the increase of new energy sources, relevant departments promote environmental protection and energy conservation, and environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious. In order to get rid of this white pollution, our life is better, and many environmentally-conscious People think of a new product - non-woven bags, and its advantages are obvious to all. The textile shopping bag is a non-woven fabric made of plastic. Many people think that cloth is a natural material, which is actually a misunderstanding.
For more information about paper bags, please pay attention to sinceyoungpackage, if you have any comments on our information, welcome feedback.